02 Apr North Macedonia Aline Pvc Profile Distributor Infinity Doel Struga
North Macedonia is a nice country which has small and active market.
For doors and windows bussiness aspect, they follow mostly Austria and Germany trends. Macedonian markets wants to have a good u value and insulation for their upvc profiles, doors and windows. They prefer, 70 mm, 82 mm, 86 mm, 92 mm upvc profiles for their doors and windows.
In North Macedonia as Infinity Doel Struga , Mr Emrula Redzoski represents Aline brand with a great success.
Infinity Doel Struga imports Aline brand 70 mm upvc profiles, 82 mm upvc profiles with white and laminated colors(andrazit color, golden oak color…)
Infinity Doel Struga has its main depo in Struga/North Macedonia. It has also some agents in Skopje, Veles, Kumanova..
If you are in North Macedonia, and looking for a nice Turkish quality and reasonable price upvc profiles, you can contact with
Infinity Doel Struga.
If you need to get more detailed information you can contact with below contact adress.
contact person: MİKAİL KILIÇLI
email: mk@pidosan.com
cell:0090 533 592 15 43 (whats app)
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