23 Mar 60 mm upvc profiles (60mm pvc profil)
Upvc profiles are one of the most common materials to make doors and windows.
60 mm series was the beginner of pvc profile series. Nowadays more larger and complicated systems available for insulation reason.
60 mm series has lower insulation values but at the purcahase step more economic than other upvc profile series.
Acording to producer it can have 3 or 4 chambers and 1,8 to 2,5 mm wall thickness you can see. Acording to raw material type, wall thickness and chamber number, 60 mm upvc profile price can change.
Turkey has many upvc producer acording to the quality and price demand, you can find many options.
Pidosan company produce also some options for 60 mm upvc profiles.if you look for price and quality, you can contact pidosan export department.
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